Discover the key to conquering overwhelm, recharging resilience, and adapting in a rapidly changing world.

I may not know you by name (yet!), but I do know this:

If you manage or lead a team in any organization in the United States, there’s a 70% chance you are feeling overwhelmed right now. And it’s not restricted to those in defined leadership roles because you are a leader regardless of your title! 

There’s the announcement from your boss rolling out a new change you need to share with your team.

There’s the conflict you need to manage between two employees.

There’s the latest market report that looks a little scary and is creating uncertainty for you and your team. 

Then there’s that text from a friend you forgot to reply to…from last month.

There’s also the rising cost of groceries, doctors appointments, soccer practice, and the date night you keep putting off because you’re exhausted. Not to mention a dozen competing priorities, the 100 different tabs open on your screen (and in your mind!) and multiple devices clamoring for your constant and constantly shifting attention.

It’s the barrage of what I call the “so muchness” that comes with life today. All of which is creating a relentless, never-ending cycle of overwhelm, stress, and burnout.

Every day, I hear leaders like you asking:

  1. When will it slow down?
  2. When can I catch my breath?
  3. When will things get back to normal?

If it sounds familiar, it’s because this is real life for millions of people just like you. Real, stressful life. And as much as we want to stop change, challenges, and uncertainty from coming, we can’t. 

What we can do is stop “Overwhelm” from being the de facto Word of the Year. 

The key to stopping overwhelm isn’t to stop change from happening, which is impossible. It’s to deploy a powerful framework that allows, supports, and fuels you to build Unstoppable Momentum—and use every change and challenge to your advantage so you can keep going and growing. 

Introducing: The Unstoppable Momentum Framework

I define Unstoppable Momentum as the power to use any change or challenge as a catalyst to bounce forwardnot just bounce back—no matter what

Fueled by emotional intelligence, positive psychology, a Momentum Mindset, and intentional action, it is the fastest way to build sustainable resilience and adaptability in a world that never slows down, inspiring and igniting yourself and those around you with every plot twist, setback, and unexpected turn of events. 

My three-step Framework is intentionally simple—and it has the added benefit of improving the way you lead and the way you live. Because it’s all related!

Three Powerful Steps To Unstoppable Momentum:

Stop, Shift, Reframe

I’ve spent decades discovering research-based strategies and tools rooted in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and communications – and then proving them in my life and in the work I’ve done with hundreds of organizations and thousands of leaders just like you. 

In the process of understanding the relationships between change and overwhelm, uncertainty and disengagement, and mindset and resilience, one thing became increasingly clear: 

Change, challenges, and uncertainty aren’t inherently bad.

In fact, they can be a profound catalyst for growth, adaptability, and resilience—if handled, guided, and supported appropriately. We can empower ourselves (and others) to embrace change as a catalyst so that instead of holding us back, it becomes the rocket fuel that propels us forward.

We do this by learning to Stop. Shift. And Reframe every change and challenge that comes our way. When we do, we become more adaptable, more resilient and are able to grow in powerful, unexpected ways that keep building on each other so that we are ready (and better equipped)  for the next change or challenge inevitably comes.

We ignite Unstoppable Momentum!

Stop: Giving Grace in the Moment

To build momentum, we start with Stop. 

While this may feel counterintuitive (“How can I build momentum when you’re telling me to slow down?”), it’s important to consider that not all momentum is helpful. 

Think of the snowball effect.

it can either be a problem that grows and becomes more destructive with time, OR…

 it can be a positive, self-propelled force that helps you grow strong and better equipped to handle every obstacle in your path, picking up worthy lessons and letting go of what doesn’t deserve to stick. 

The goal here is to go and grow in the right direction, with the right mindset, and on the right foot. 

To do this, we need to give ourselves the space, grace and permission to stop, identify, and acknowledge our emotions without judgment.  Because whatever you feel—YOU ARE ALLOWED!

These purposeful pauses allow leaders (and later their teams) to build resilience by intentionally powering down and powering up—instead of powering through at all costs (and we all know those costs are high!). Giving ourselves permission to stop, pause, feel, and identify what’s needed in the moment clears the way for growth. By better understanding where we are (and how/why we feel about it), we are better equipped to choose our best and next step forward. 

Momentum Booster: Download the You Are Allowed card—arguably the most powerful permission slip on the planet.

Shift: How to Grit Up—Not Give Up.

This next step is all about changing our minds.

The second step of the Unstoppable Momentum Framework is where we intentionally shift our perspective and rewire our brains to positively align our focus, thoughts, words, and choices with the opportunity that every change and challenge presents.

I call this the Momentum Mindset™, the intentional attitude, perspective, and thought process that supercharges a growth mindset into continuous and accelerated improvement, resilience, and adaptability.  A growth mindset PLUS……jet fuel. This mindset fuels the possibility and practice of bouncing forward stronger and better than ever, no matter what you face.

This shift is critical because it forces us to choose our perspective, which helps us rewire our brains to reduce resistance, unlock our blocks, gather our grit, and let go to grow. It is in this step that we turn resistance into resilience, obstacles into opportunities, and fear into fuel—and keep moving forward even when we don’t have all the answers.

Momentum Booster: Work on your Momentum Mindset by deploying “The Yet Effect” which turns every “I can’t do this” into “I’m not there yet, AND I’m getting better all the time.” Click here to learn more about The Power of Yet.

Reframe: Energize the Growth You Want

Where the other steps take space and take stock, this final step takes action. Here’s where you not only energize your next steps but actually take them to grow forward and toward what you want, grounded in purpose, connection, possibility, and hope.   

This step is important because we cannot transform change, challenges, and uncertainty into resilience, adaptability, and growth on hope alone. Unstoppable Momentum requires intentional action. That intentional action—even when it’s imperfect—creates impact, results, and growth, which ignites the Unstoppable Momentum that inspires, energizes, and transforms your trajectory.

And it can only start when YOU do. 

Momentum Booster:  Write a “Not-to-Do” list. It’s a clear and simple way to set—and hold—boundaries for yourself as you create room for grace, self-care, and replenishment, especially in a work-from-anywhere world with the blurred boundaries of work and home. Read more resilience tips here

Unstoppable Momentum Starts Here—And Keeps Going and Growing.

I believe that when you change how you talk about change and challenge how you think about challenges, you will transform your thoughts, beliefs, actions, results, and impact into Unstoppable Momentum.

Because the more you do this, the easier it becomes to look change, challenges, and uncertainty in the square in the face with a big cup of Bring It On.

These intentional shifts can energize your culture, increase focus and productivity, enhance outcomes and create transformational growth throughout an entire organization—and well beyond your office hours.

  • Leaders model the mindset, skillsets, and strategies critical for confident execution.
  • Teams experience connection and collaboration as they become better together, eager to embrace the changes and challenges to come.
  • Organizations are refueled and reborn with energetic, adaptable cultures that engage, empower, and equip every single person to harness ‘what’s now’ and embrace ‘what’s next.’

The real power of Unstoppable Momentum is that it doesn’t live in a vacuum. The resilience, adaptability, and mindset skills we learn as leaders and employees seep into how we relate and react to change, challenges, and uncertainty in our personal lives too..

And the more and better we do this, the more and better we can support the growth and well-being within ourselves, our organizations, our families, our neighbors, and our communities. And the more we practice, the better models we become for others.

After all, the best way to overcome overwhelm, squash stress, and thrive in a rapidly changing world—is to do it together.

Don’t stop now—follow me on LinkedIn to fuel your progress and join the conversation!

Put Unstoppable Momentum to Work!

As the driving force behind the Unstoppable Momentum Movement, Kim Becking is shifting the way we think about change, resilience, and adaptability in an ever-evolving world that never slows down. An award-winning motivational keynote speaker, NYT Bestselling Author,  consultant and change expert, Kim has helped Fortune 100 companies and organizations around the world empower their leaders, teams, and communities boost momentum, build confidence, and fuel growth—long after her energizing keynote ends.  events. Click here to learn more about Kim’s Unstoppable Momentum experience.