Ignite Unstoppable

Keynotes, Training, and Consulting that Empower Organizations to Fuel Unstoppable Momentum™ in a Rapidly Changing World that Never Slows Down

Your leaders and teams are facing a never-ending barrage of change, challenge, and uncertainty at every level like...

competing priorities,shifting customer and employee expectations,market uncertainty,technology change (AI anyone?),staffing challenges,remote work,increasing negativity,the stresses of home, work,and everything in between.

Gradient ARrow Down

All of which is creating a relentless, never-ending cycle of overwhelm, stress, and burnout.

will it slow down?

  • purple arrow right

    When can I catch my breath?

  • purple arrow right

    When will things get back to normal?

is palpable,
and so is the rising disengagement, disconnection, and resistance to change.

(Change fatigue, anyone?!)

It's what I call the
"so muchness"

...in a rapidly changing world that never slows down.

But in this world, there is no normal or new normal. There is only what is NOW and what is NEXT.

Change and uncertainty are here to stay, and it’s not enough to just bounce back.

Leaders and teams need a way to bounce forward, embracing what’s now and ready for what’s next in this rapidly changing, ever-evolving world that never slows down.

Because resilience and adaptability are no longer “soft” skills, they are required in this new world of work.

Empower your leaders and teams with the mindset, tools, and framework they need to be more adaptable and resilient, no matter what change or challenge they’re facing.

Kim with the mic-min

Let’s ignite

Ready to Ignite Unstoppable

Meet Kim Becking

Change and Resilience Expert, New York Times Bestselling Author, and
Founder of the Unstoppable Momentum™ Movement

Kim Becking, Change and Resilience Expert, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Founder of the Unstoppable Momentum™ Movement sitting backwards on a white chair looking at the camera with a million watt smile


I'm Kim

Every day as I partner with organizations around the world, I hear their leaders and teams talk about how much they’re struggling. Why? Because, in a rapidly changing world that isn’t slowing down, they’re facing more challenges and uncertainty than ever.

They want to stay resilient. They want to grit up, not give up. They want to bring their best selves to work. But they are tired… and they are overwhelmed.

It’s the SO MUCHNESS coming from every direction. Everything has changed and will continue to change at every level - the way we work, the way we interact, the way we live. And it can be A LOT. (That’s an understatement!)

I’ve been there. As a serial entrepreneur, “recovering” attorney, breast cancer survivor, mom of 3 with a blended family, caregiver and the many other hats I’ve worn, I’ve certainly felt the weight of the “so muchness” at work and in my life.

I’ve tried the “powering through” approach, and it does not work, especially when I was facing my most difficult challenges.

Powering through can only get us so far.

I learned I needed a redefined resilience, one that pairs grit with grace. Because redefining resilience—and pausing to rest and determine what we need to keep moving forward—accelerates our success, fuels our growth, and drives us forward, through challenges and change.

I’ve spent decades discovering research-based strategies and tools rooted in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and communications - and then proving them in my life and in the work I’ve done with hundreds of organizations.

And here’s what I’ve found… We can empower ourselves (and others) to embrace change as a catalyst- so that instead of holding us back, it becomes the rocket fuel that propels us forward.

We do this by learning to Stop. Shift. And Reframe the Change and Challenge. When we do, we become more adaptable, more resilient and are able to grow in powerful, unexpected ways.

We ignite
Unstoppable Momentum™!

Kim Is a Trusted Media Expert on Thriving in the Midst of Change


Empower Your Leaders and Teams to Transform Change, Challenge and Uncertainty Into Rocket Fuel for Launching Forward No Matter What.



Give Grace
in the Moment

First, leaders and their teams learn they are allowed to STOP and acknowledge the emotions coming up for them. These pauses allow them to identify what they need instead of just pushing through to more stress, more overwhelm, and eventual burnout.



Grit Up,
Don’t Give Up™

Next, they SHIFT their Mindsets - their words, thoughts, and choices around their change and challenge to let go of the what’s holding them back, get unstuck and turn their obstacles into opportunities, resistance into buy-in, and fear into fuel to propel themselves forward.



Grow Your
Unstoppable Momentum™

Finally, they REFRAME the change and challenge with confidence and courage so they can take the next best action to keep moving forward. As they do, each intentional action creates the momentum that drives growth and inspires them to thrive no matter what.

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The Unstoppable Momentum™ Experience

More than a keynote, Kim’s highly actionable, one-size-fits-YOU customized Unstoppable Momentum™ Experience connects your specific goals to research-backed content, actionable strategies, and an engaging, action-packed, unforgettable program. Your leaders will leave inspired and ready to use any change or challenge as rocket fuel for growth, transforming their lives, leadership, and your organization.


Fuel Unstoppable Momentum™ throughout your entire organization with a consulting package tailored to the unique needs and challenges of your organization.

Combining in-depth research and analysis with one-size-fits-YOU solutions, Kim partners with you to identify and eliminate your organization’s Momentum Busters and develop the skills and actions needed to grow an adaptable and resilient culture of Unstoppable Momentum™.

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Here's the Transformational Growth You Will Achieve When You Ignite Unstoppable Momentum™!



Leave equipped with the mindset, skills and strategies to focus on what matters most: the well-being of themselves, their teams, and organization, so that they can be more energized, productive, engaged, confident, connected, and ready for what’s next.


Teams and Individuals

Experience more collaboration and connectedness as they become better together- with empathy and heart - eager and ready to navigate, embrace and rock any change or challenge with more resilience, adaptability, and a “Grit Up, Don’t Give Up” attitude.



Are transformed by a resilient, adaptable culture that empowers every single person to not only refuel their capacity to adapt and thrive during change, challenge, and uncertainty but be ready for the next challenge.

Kim has Ignited Unstoppable Momentum™  for Leading Organizations

Ignite Unstoppable Momentum™

In Just Two Minutes a Day!

Discover Kim’s “Unstoppable Momentum™ Manifesto” and get the powerful push you need each day to grit up, bounce forward, and keep growing—no matter what change or challenges come your way!

Lead Magnet: Unstoppable Momentum Manifesto


Fuel your Unstoppable Momentum™ with insights, tips, and real-world strategies for conquering challenges, embracing change, and cultivating resilience.

Lead Magnet: Momentum Boosts