Ask Kim Becking | What to do when your team resists a change

By Kim Becking | November 21, 2024

Leading the Change - Momentum Boosting Phrases - Ask Kim

Dear Kim,

My company is going through a massive merger, and my team is highly resistant to the change. I’ve known about it for months, but they are just getting hit with it. How can I help them “manage the change curve” when I’m pretty over it?

Frustrated in Philadelphia

Dear Frustrated in Philadelphia,

Navigating any big change—let alone a massive merger!—can be incredibly challenging, especially when your team is just beginning to process it.

The one thing I want you to remember here is how YOU felt upon learning the merger was about to happen. Are you exactly where you are now? Of course not. You’ve had time to cycle through feelings of fear, uncertainty, resistance, frustration, and eventually acceptance. With big changes, come big emotions. 

It’s important to acknowledge their feelings without judgment and provide support as they move through the change curve. Start by being open, vulnerable, and transparent about your own experiences and emotions during this process. This can help humanize the situation and build trust. Use phrases like “I understand how overwhelming this can be—I felt the same way when I first found out.” and “I’m here to support you through this transition—no matter what comes.”  (Click here for more Momentum-Boosting phrases).

Give them the grace and space to process and to feel (Here’s a powerful tool to help you help them!)  Encourage open dialogue by inviting them to share their concerns and thoughts: “Tell me more” can be a powerful tool! 

Once they are open to additional dialogue, highlight the potential opportunities this merger could bring and how your team can play a crucial role in shaping the future. Offer specific support and resources to help them adapt, and recognize their efforts and resilience throughout the process. 

By leading with vulnerability, empathy, transparency, and encouragement, you can help your team navigate this transition more smoothly and come out stronger on the other side – by embracing, owning, and driving the change! 

Here’s to Your Unstoppable Momentum,


Momentum Makers, whether your “merger” is a marriage, divorce, a big move, a job loss, or helping teenagers navigate puberty, the same advice applies! When you are helping those around you adjust to a change you saw coming, remember that you’ve had the gift of time—give others the same benefit, and you’ll be on the same page before you know it.

Click here for more momentum-boosting phrases to help you lead others through change!!

All questions for the Ask Kim columns come from audience surveys, emails, social media, and one-on-one conversations with leaders. With topics ranging from building resilient teams to leading change, Kim Becking is ready to help you become more adaptable, resilient, and ready to ignite Unstoppable Momentum!
Have a question for Kim? Send her an email here


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