Dear Kim,
How do you stay positive and stay focused as a leader—and as a person—when inundated with so much uncertainty and so much change? What is the best way to push past limited and negative thinking?
No More Negative Nellie
Dear Nellie,
I hear you! It’s natural to focus on the negative when the wheels fall off the bus—our brains are just trying to protect us, after all. Luckily, we have something more powerful than evolution when it comes to managing change: Choice.
Navigating uncertainty and change can indeed feel overwhelming, and in those moments, I choose to focus on my purpose. Just like a baseball player needs to keep their eye on the ball amidst a storm of pitches, staying focused as a leader—and as a person—requires anchoring yourself in your core values and the lives and outcomes you truly want.
When negativity creeps in, acknowledge it but don’t let it define your mindset or attitude.
- Challenge those thoughts by reframing them through the lens of your purpose.
- See obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and learning.
- Surround yourself with a supportive team and community who uplift and encourage you, reinforcing your resilience.
When your brain is bent on peppering you with negativity and worst-case scenarios, ask yourself, “What’s the BEST that can happen? What are some outcomes that are now possible that weren’t before?”
Here are three simple tips for reinforcing your purpose as an organization and living out your core values during change, challenge, and uncertainty:
- Journal for 10 minutes daily. Look for moments that made you feel proud, and moments that made you feel frustrated or stressed. Reflect and notice any patterns —these are your core values.
- Create a mission statement for yourself or your team. Keep it visible near your desk or office to remind you of the bigger picture. Make sure the statement answers the question: Why are we here?
- When you face change, pause and realign with your purpose. Figure out how the change can move you close to your why or your organization’s mission.
Remember, resilience isn’t just about bouncing back; it’s about bouncing forward with purpose, on purpose. Embrace change as part of your journey, knowing that each step aligns you closer to your mission. Stay positive, stay focused, keep your eye on the ball, and keep swinging.
For more insights on building resilience with purpose, check out my latest article with more tips on discovering, defining, and deploying your purpose.
Here’s to the Power of Purpose,
All questions for the Ask Kim columns come from audience surveys, emails, social media, and one-on-one conversations with leaders. With topics ranging from building resilient teams to leading change, Kim Becking is ready to help you become more adaptable, resilient, and ready to ignite Unstoppable Momentum! Have a question for Kim? Send her an email here! |