How Much “Much” Can You Handle?

By Kim Becking | August 13, 2024

My mom ringing the bell to celebrate as she finishes her treatment for breast cancer!

As I scrolled through my social feeds looking for inspiration, I was shocked (and grateful, yet exhausted) by just how much has happened to me since the start of the year. There was a ton that rattled my nerves and sucked the air out of my lungs, and weighed heavy on my heart as a mom and daughter, but here are some good gems:

  • My mom rang the bell for her last chemo treatment for breast cancer on the same day as my largest keynote (so far!) of the year—and she felt the love of 4300 people in the audience cheering her on (captured on video from stage!). She officially finished radiation and all breast cancer treatment a few weeks ago and her prognosis is great!
  • I celebrated being 22 years cancer-free myself. Over 8035 days! (You bet I’m counting—I know how much they are worth now!)

I won’t go into all of it, partly because it’s all documented in detail here on LinkedIn and Facebook—but mostly because I know I’m not alone in the “muchness” of this life and this world sometimes. And also because shifting to the good is a key to boosting our resilience during the hard.

We all have our lists of the hard in our own lives, whether we can find them in our social posts or they run through our minds.

All the changes. All the uncertainty. All the challenges.

And all the feels that go with them.

Some call this overwhelm. I call it the “so muchness.”

And I promise you: Where there is “muchness,” there is also Momentum.

So today, I invite you to take one long look at how “much” you have going on in your life and ask yourself this:

“How much Much can you handle?”

-How much can you stop carrying altogether?

-How much can you shift and reframe into something that serves you?

-How much can you take action on—right now? (Start with ONE.)

If you struggle to put things down, let things go, or start on what’s important, you aren’t alone. There are those who say you are never given more than you are meant to carry, and while that feels good and hearty, I want to remind you of this:

We are never meant to carry everything or carry all of this alone.

If it FEELS like too much, your body is telling you it IS too much. Listen to it.

Unstoppable Momentum is possible when you intentionally choose how much “Much” you are willing to handle.

The good news? There are things you can do to keep the ball rolling without dropping it entirely. Reach out for help. Say no to the tasks that aren’t adding to your life or work performance. Write some things out. Take that uncertain AND totally necessary step you’ve been avoiding. Take a gorgeously long break/nap/ walk/breath (or all of the above).

There’s power in that pause.

Trust me. We all deserve a break once in a while—and YOU ESPECIALLY.

Here’s to taking your time!

Big Love!



Do you have a Word of the Year? (Is it a swear word? Just kidding.)

I LOVE the Word of the Year as a Momentum Booster. It’s a practice that I’ve done for over a decade—However, this year, with my own “so muchness” with a record-setting 1st quarter and growing business, caregiving, a heavy mom heart with a few things happening, and life, I’m giving myself some grace and space as my word is revealed to me (maybe sometime soon!).

Share what word or phrase is helping you build Unstoppable Momentum in 2024. I can’t wait to be inspired by you!

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Put Unstoppable Momentum to Work!

As the driving force behind the Unstoppable Momentum Movement, Kim Becking is shifting the way we think about change, resilience, and adaptability in an ever-evolving world that never slows down. An award-winning motivational keynote speaker, NYT Bestselling Author,  consultant and change expert, Kim has helped Fortune 100 companies and organizations around the world empower their leaders, teams, and communities boost momentum, build confidence, and fuel growth—long after her energizing keynote ends.  Click here to learn more about Kim’s Unstoppable Momentum experience.


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