By Kim Becking | August 12, 2024


I talk a lot about the power of letting go and “resigning” – in order to build momentum to move forward – at work and in our lives. And boy have we all needed to let go of things we can’t control or how we wish things were the last year. As we continue to re-emerge, we must learn to let go of what is holding us back. To proactively decide what isn’t serving us and what we need to leave behind so that we can show up as the best version of ourselves!

Often, letting go of what we think our life “should be” or “how we envisioned it to be” is one of the hardest but most powerful things we can do! We must let go of what we thought our life would be, and instead focus on what our life IS in this moment – see the amazing life in front of us – appreciate what is – even if it turned out differently than we had dreamed of. And that’s so true over the past year.

This same Momentum Mindset principle can be applied not just to our big dreams in life, but to everyday things that may not turn out how we thought they would or should have or things that truly hold us back – challenges, changes, obstacles, setbacks – projects at work, relationships gone bad, our own inner bully, guilt, shame, comparison, fear, worry, negativity, the quest for perfection and so many other hiccups and changes that we experience every single day.

I call these moments in our lives Slingshot Moments. Moments where we get to CHOOSE – we can stay stuck, resist and hold on tight to what isn’t, or we can stop…release what “should” or “could” have been and shift and reframe our focus to “what is.” Because sometimes the “what is” is even better than the “should” or “could” have been!

We will all have these slingshot moments in our lives – dozens of them a day – of things that we must let go of in order to move forward. And we’ve all had so many of these over the last year. The awesome thing is that we get to choose – stay stuck where we are and fight what is or let go, release and continue to re-emerge stronger and better than before. You have the power and the choice!

It’s time to Stop. Shift. And Reframe. Let go of what isn’t serving you so that you can continue to boost your resilience and show up as the best version of yourself!

Momentum Mindset Challenge: What is ONE THING you can let go of today that isn’t serving you?

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