“Not College Material”: Why I Went Anyway—And What It Soon Ignited

By Kim Becking | August 18, 2023


I often get asked “Kim, how did you get here? What made you start this incredible work of empowering others and igniting momentum?

Over the years, I’ve answered this question in a few different ways—and it wasn’t until I was approached to do an alumni feature with my alma mater, Missouri State University (MSU), that I began to see when my decision to focus on empowering leaders, teams, and organizations  started to take root.

Read the article here. 

I know I’m not alone when I say I absolutely loved my college experience. MSU was fantastic—and I credit so much of my success to the mentors, teachers, administrators, and friends I met there. Considering that I was the first in my family to go to college and was actually told by my high school guidance counselor that I wasn’t “college material”, there are certainly days where I still pinch myself— and I regularly take a moment to appreciate how far I’ve come and more importantly, how many people I can empower and help along the way!

As I shared in the article, community and relationships are central to my work and life. Often in life, we are so focused on what we didn’t accomplish, that we forget to recognize how far we’ve come and just as important, who helped us get where we are today.  During this interview, I had time to pause and reflect on my own journey and so many of the people, professors and experiences during my college years that have placed me on this path and in a life I love. 

I fondly remember Dr. Alice Bartee, she was small but mighty with her red editing pen, and so encouraging to me as I made the decision to apply to law school, staying after hours to review my law school applications and constantly reminding me that I was capable and qualified when my inner bully got loud.  I think of Trudi Silkwood, my college sorority advisor, who taught me dozens of lessons in leadership and emotional intellgience (even before that was a thing) when I was the President of the sorority. And let’s not forget my Student Government, Ambassador and Soar Leader friends, my sorority sisters and so many others who put me exactly where I am today – with a heart and mind full of thousands of memories and lessons that I continue to carry with me today.   

My challenge to you right now is to stop, pause and reflect on where you are today and the people who have helped you along the way.  I would love to hear about these amazing people!  Feel free to reach out and share your story of that person who helped you get where you are today!  Let’s connect.

Go Bears!

Read the full article here and more about my path to Unstoppable Momentum.  

PS: That high school guidance counselor – I sent her an invite to my law school graduation 🙂 Her name is now the name of my inner bully Edna, who sometimes gets loud – so now I get to shut her down all the time and prove her wrong!  

Have you ever had someone that didn’t believe in you and your dreams?  Have you ever had those naysayers – whether it was a high school guidance counselor like me, a boss, or even a friend or family member who means well?  You have more power than you think.  Prove them wrong!  I believe in you! 


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