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Resign as
General Manager
of the Universe

Refresh, Refuel, and Refocus YOURSELF in an Overwhelming World That Never Slows Down

Keynote Description:

Kim has a secret to share. There’s no such thing as work-life balance! In this fast-paced, chaotic, work-from-anywhere, high-stress world, life is anything but balanced. Add in the endless list of competing priorities, too much to do and not enough time, increasing negativity, the need to do more with less, and the relentless tide of change and challenge (change fatigue anyone?!), and it’s no wonder overwhelm and burnout are on the rise in this world of “so muchness.”

The good news is that even in the midst of change and uncertainty, you can have a healthy work-life blend. This interactive and energetic program reveals practical, immediately actionable strategies for reducing stress, overwhelm, and burnout and boosting your resilience so you can take control of your well-being, increase your energy, improve your productivity and focus, and create a life where you’re showing up as your best self at work and at home.

  • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by their mounting to-do list and diminishing time and resources to get it all done (not to mention the unexpected changes and challenges that just keep coming), leading to a lack of well-being, energy, focus, and productivity 
  • Wanting to find a healthy work-life balance blend in a 24/7, tech-driven, always on, constantly changing, work-from-anywhere, nonstop world that never slows down
  • Struggling to let go of what’s out of their control, prioritize, and set boundaries at work and at home 
  • Losing confidence in themselves as their self-limiting beliefs, fear, and inner bully get louder with each new wave of change and challenge
  • Trying to stay motivated and maintain a healthy level of positivity and optimism in an increasingly polarized, often negative world

*Psst: Guess what? Titles don't define us. We're all leaders from where we are!

Empower your leaders and teams with the mindset, tools, and framework they need to be more adaptable and resilient, no matter what change or challenge they’re facing.

Kim with the mic-min

Let’s ignite