The Adaptable Keynote Speaker: Always Be Prepared and Whatever It Takes

By Kim Becking | August 13, 2024

the adaptable keynote speaker

Earlier this year, I showed up to no power onsite where I was giving my keynote.  It was -8. (Yes, -8).  I waited in the car until the client was ready  (Thanks to my amazing hubby who drove me there as it was a regional event).

We started the All Employee Meeting 40 minutes late.  Here’s how I handled it in case there are lessons here for you at work and in life:

My mottos as a professional are:

1) ABP – Always Be Prepared

2) WIT – Whatever It Takes

3) Be the easiest speaker they have ever worked with!

What did I do?

When I found out what was happening, I immediately texted the client (ABP – have the client’s cell phone number as a part of your itinerary in your phone).

I tried to ease her nerves and shared that I would do whatever was needed.  Being flexible, being adaptable, being prepared and doing whatever it takes meant I immediately offered solutions and said: I could cut my presentation to get them back on time, I could adapt and do it with no slides.  And do whatever they need. (WIT – Whatever it takes – I was there to help, to serve, to be a part of team and help find solutions.)

I was also prepared as I had with me: my winter coat, gloves, a hat, a scarf and all the warm stuff.  So when the power came back on, I could give my keynote layered up if I needed to.

The power came on.  I was ready.

Despite a 40-minute delay, the power returned, and I adapted on the fly. I ditched the stage, joining the audience at the back of the auditorium, connecting more intimately as they huddled for warmth. Even offering to pause for the much-delayed breakfast.

My keynote, originally planned for 90 minutes, was condensed to 55 minutes on the spot, 5 minutes before I started. It was seamless, engaging, and punctual, underscoring my commitment to being the easiest speaker to work with.

The result? An incredible morning with a fantastic group, igniting Unstoppable Momentum for the year ahead!

I teach adaptability and flexibility.  And live it every single day.

Always be prepared.

Whatever it takes.

Being the easiest speaker you’ve ever worked with.

That’s who I am.  That’s what I do.  Every. Single. Time.

Life as a professional speaker is full of unexpected issues – things will not always go as planned.  There will be AV mishaps, power outages, fire alarms going off in the middle of your program, wardrobe malfunctions, hot flashes on stage (For my fellow female speakers of a certain age – IYKYK), your shoe getting stuck in the stage and delivering your keynote barefooted, time getting cut from your presentation, others not showing up and you stepping in at the last minute to start your keynote early (Because you were there early) or being ready to do an additional keynote at the last minute – all things that have happened to me over the years!

Through it all, we remain adaptable, flexible, prepared, and committed to excellence.

Here’s to turning obstacles into opportunities and embracing every challenge as a chance to demonstrate true professionalism.

Remember: The unexpected is not a barrier but a path to show your true resilience, adaptability and capability.

We keep moving forward.  We show up and deliver.

We are adaptable and flexible.

We are always prepared.

We do whatever it takes.

We are the easiest person you’ve ever worked with.

We are professional speakers.  There’s a difference!

What types of situations have required you to be adaptable -whether on stage, at work or in your life? How have you adapted and remained flexible – continuing to show up no matter what?

#keynotespeaker #whateverittakes #alwaysbeprepared #meetingprofs #speakerbureaus #kimbecking #momentummindset #adaptable #changespeaker #resilienceinaction

Put Unstoppable Momentum to Work!

As the driving force behind the Unstoppable Momentum Movement, Kim Becking is shifting the way we think about change, resilience, and adaptability in an ever-evolving world that never slows down. An award-winning motivational keynote speaker, NYT Bestselling Author,  consultant and change expert, Kim has helped Fortune 100 companies and organizations around the world empower their leaders, teams, and communities boost momentum, build confidence, and fuel growth—long after her energizing keynote ends.  Click here to learn more about Kim’s Unstoppable Momentum experience.


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