The Power of Getting Uncomfortable and Having a Momentum Mindset

By Kim Becking | November 19, 2019

The Power of Getting Uncomfortable

I GOT UNCOMFORTABLE: YOU SHOULD TOO – If You’re Uncomfortable, That Means You’re Growing

If you’re uncomfortable, you know you’re growing. Recently, I took my own advice and got way outside my comfort zone. I got uncomfortable and it was AWESOME!

Here’s the video I shot that day reflecting on how awesome it was to get uncomfortable:

I was convinced to do a rapid HR talk, rapid human resources talk at the annual Missouri SHRM Conference. 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. They automatically advanced after 20 seconds. I rarely get nervous when I speak anymore, but this was nerve-wracking, exhilarating and so much fun. I do a lot of audience engagement normally, but how do you do that in such a short period of time. I had to make every single word count.

But I did it!

I got out of my comfort zone. I grew, I stretched, I got uncomfortable, but I did it anyway, because sometimes that’s where the magic happens. That’s where the awesomeness happens. That’s how we grow. I was stretched in new ways as a professional speaker. I grew. And now I can say I did a Rapid HR talk and it was so much fun.

I talk about and teach others to build a Momentum Mindset®. To grow. To stretch. To take risks. To not be afraid of failure. To get out of your own way. And to get out of your comfort zone. Because yes, sometimes, if you’re willing to get uncomfortable, that’s where the magic and awesomeness happens. I am so glad I took my own advice!

Keep on getting uncomfortable so that you can continue to grow and stretch and build that Momentum Mindset.® You never know what kind of magic can happen!

Momentum Mindset Challenge: What is ONE thing you can do today to get uncomfortable? Please share with me below or drop me an email: I would love to celebrate you getting uncomfortable and GROWING today!

Remember, if you’re uncomfortable, you know you’re growing. And growing is what building a Momentum Mindset® is all about.

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