Why “Yet” is a Powerful Key to Every Resilient Leaders’ Momentum Mindset

By Kim Becking | September 30, 2024


“Yet”. Y-E-T. These three simple letters form a little word with a whole lot of power.

The word “yet” has the incredible ability to reframe our thinking when dealing with change and challenges. From a fixed mindset that keeps us stuck, to a growth mindset that energizes us to bounce forward, “yet” is the transformational catalyst we need to achieve unstoppable momentum, no matter what we face. 

Here’s what I mean….

Life is full of change, challenges, and uncertainty

Change is happening at a breakneck speed. Between market shifts, regulatory changes, labor shortages, technology disruptions, and more, leaders today are facing more and more  change (and challenges) from every direction, every day. 

Cultural shifts, inflation, and A.I.—oh my! As a fellow business leader, I get it, because I’m facing the same never-ending cycle of change that you are. 

Wondering when it will slow down…. 

When there will be some sense of normal…. 

But the reality is that there is no normal or new normal. There is only what is now and what is next. But that doesn’t make it any easier! 

When we feel we don’t have the answers to these pressing changes, guess what comes knocking? Fear. Self-doubt. Anxiety. And every limiting belief we’ve tried to (unsuccessfully) shove into the corner of our minds. Then our inner bully starts getting really loud. I call mine Edna—when you give your inner bully a name, it steals their power. 🙂 

When limiting beliefs hold you back, and your inner bully won’t stop talking, “yet” creates the power of possibility and the potential for growth. Where there was only change, challenge, and uncertainty, “yet” creates a new way forward—and incredible resilience follows. The type of resilience and growth that creates unstoppable momentum.

What is the power of “yet”?

When we add the word “yet” to a limiting statement—like “I don’t know how to do that.” or “We don’t have enough resources for that.”—the single little word completely shifts what’s possible. 

By adding “yet,” we acknowledge the difficulty and admit to the challenge, without letting limitations render our success impossible. Instead of giving up, or burying our heads deep in the sand, we can confidently admit we don’t have all the answers—but we’re ready to adapt, learn, and grow towards them, shifting to possibility and reframing to growth.  

See how this one vocabulary shift can transform your mindset, team, and future? See how three little letters can unlock unstoppable momentum during change and uncertainty? That’s why “yet” is one of the most powerful tools in a resilient leader’s toolbox. Especially when faced with ongoing uncertainty and the pressure to continually innovate in a world that never slows down. Yet allows you to adapt, evolve and grow.

Watch “yet” transform these situations from insurmountable, to unstoppable

I’ve worked with a number of leaders over the years who were stuck in a “fixed mindset.” Their negative and limiting thoughts would rear their ugly heads every time these leaders faced challenges. Below, I’ll share a few of the fixed mindset statements I’ve heard the most, and how one simple word can convert these stuck statements into power moves.

Fixed Mindset: I’m not a natural leader.

Unstoppable Momentum Mindset: I haven’t fully tapped into my leadership potential YET, but I’m committed to building my skills. I’m going to seek out mentorship, read books on leadership, and find opportunities to practice my leadership skills within my team.

Fixed Mindset: It can’t be done.

Unstoppable Momentum Mindset: It can’t be done YET, but I’m willing to explore new ideas and approaches. I’m going to brainstorm with my team, seek out feedback and insights, and keep an open mind.  

Fixed Mindset: I can’t seem to get my team motivated during all of this change.

Unstoppable Momentum Mindset: I haven’t found the right approach YET, but I’m going to keep trying. I’m going to experiment with different ways of communicating, seek feedback from my team, and stay committed to finding a solution.

Fixed Mindset: I’m not good at (insert your limiting belief).

Unstoppable Momentum Mindset: I’m not good at (limiting belief) YET but the more I try, the stronger I’ll get! 

This momentum mindset reminds me of a recent game of Jenga. At a family gathering this summer, my six-year-old great niece Emery wanted everyone to join her at the game table. When she asked my mom if she wanted to play too, my mom responded, “I’m not very good at Jenga.” My great niece—already a momentum mindset ambassador even at her young age—responded in the sweetest way, “It’s okay Baba. Just try your best!” 

Whatever limiting belief is holding you in a fixed mindset, take her advice: Just try your best. Because showing up and doing your best at work, at home, and in life (however that looks for you!) is the most important thing you can do to ignite Unstoppable Momentum.

How does YET transform your leadership mindset?

In each of these examples, “yet” allows leaders to create a positive culture of growth, development, and momentum—for themselves and for those they lead. And in today’s rapidly changing environment, where we may face a whole lot more challenges than opportunities, “yet” is just the fuel you need to accelerate your organization’s success. 

Leaders have three powerful ways to live out a “yet” culture with their teams

“Yet” isn’t just about your growth as an individual—though shifting to a momentum mindset is essential to reaching your own goals as a leader,  “Yet” also empowers leaders to create a momentum mindset within their teams

As a team, “Yet” turns “It can’t be done” into “It can’t be done yet—but if anyone can find a way, it’s us.”

Here are three ways you can model “yet” within your organization:

  • Celebrate effort. Regardless of the outcome, celebrate your team’s effort, innovation, and whole-hearted attempts. Remember IMPERFECT ACTION is better than no action at all.  The reality is that many ideas will fail. But by cultivating a culture of risk-taking, innovation, and trying new things, you stand a good chance of finding that million-dollar stroke of genius in the process. And that adaptability and resilience will be your competitive advantage in this rapidly changing world where competition is fierce and evolution is constant. 
  • Open the floor. Instead of giving your team all the answers, dig deeper and ask questions that encourage them to think critically and problem-solve on their own. This gives them ownership over their ideas and accountability for their success. 
  • Give meaningful feedback. Effective feedback is specific, actionable, and focused on growth. I call this value-added communication “Feed Forward” because it’s meant to propel your team to a greater, stronger level of performance and growth. 

When you create a “yet” environment for your team, they’re empowered to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and bounce forward into a more successful future. Because employees that feel safe enough to acknowledge challenges, while pushing through them with positivity, have the space they need to innovate, evolve, and grow.

Big takeaway: “Yet” is a key to resilience, a momentum mindset, and a successful path forward towards unstoppable momentum

Fear, self-doubt, and uncertainty—amplified by that loud inner bully who won’t leave us alone—can steal your success and halt your progress. But by shifting the way we view difficulties, and tapping into the power of “yet,” we can begin to see every change as a valuable opportunity.

By adding “yet” to the tail end of your biggest challenges, questions, uncertainties, and opportunities, you can build adaptability and resilience into your culture—and transform your organization from your teams, up. So, the next time you feel stuck or uncertain, remember the power of “yet,” and keep moving forward! 

Want more examples of how YET can shift our thinking—from a fixed mindset to an Unstoppable Momentum mindset? Click here to grab the full list of limiting phrases I hear every day from leaders and how you can overcome them at work and in life – with three simple letters: Y-E-T. 

Want more mindset-shifting insights like these? Let’s connect, or learn more about my Unstoppable Momentum keynotes, here.

About Kim Becking: 
The driving force behind the Unstoppable Momentum Movement, Kim Becking is changing the way we think about change and resilience. An award-winning motivational keynote speaker, consultant  and change expert, Kim has helped Fortune 100 companies and organizations around the world empower their leaders, teams, and communities to be more adaptable, more resilient, and better equipped to own what’s now and embrace what’s next with a deep breath and a big cup of Bring It On.  Follow Kim on LinkedIN and subscribe to her blog for more tips and strategies to ignite Unstoppable Momentum.


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