Your Momentum Mindset – There’s Power in the Pause

By Kim Becking | September 12, 2022


Imagine just being, no agenda or things to do. That’s what I did recently during a long weekend. There’s power in the pause.

A key to building and boosting your resilience muscles during uncertain and ever-changing times is to remember that there’s power in the pause. We must give ourselves permission to pause, reflect, renew and recharge – without the guilt or feeling like we need to be “doing something.”

Although it may seem counter intuitive, pausing can help you build more momentum with clarity and focus. This is a key strategy to reducing our stress, increasing our productivity, finding more clarity and understanding and showing up as the best version of ourselves during this crazy, chaotic and stressful time we are all living in.

Some of my biggest breakthroughs for my business and my life have been created when I gave myself the permission to pause.
There’s power in stillness.
There’s power in letting go of the “busyness” and the overwhelm and focusing on our “beingness”.

Give yourself the grace and space to pause sometimes.
How can you embrace the power of the intentional pause and just be?


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