Ask Kim: How To Help My Team Deal With Change

By Kim Becking | October 3, 2024

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Dear Kim,

My company is going through a massive change, and nearly everyone—including me!—has some serious feelings about it. How can I help my team navigate the terrain when I’m still finding my way, too?


On The Struggle Bus 


Dear Struggle Bus,

I’ve definitely been in your shoes before. It feels like the bus you’re driving is low on gas, everyone’s telling you that they want to stop (for the fifth time that day), and on top of that…your GPS isn’t working! 

It’d be simpler to just head for the nearest exit.

But it wouldn’t be as rewarding, would it?

So, first, I want to commend you for your bravery.

Second, I want to remind you that this is your bus. If you’re the captain of the ship, your crewmates are going to watch you intently to determine how to respond. If you start panicking, they will, too.

We all know how discouraging a backseat driver can be.

Remember that you’re the one behind the wheel. When you are transparent and vulnerable when leading the change, people will become more comfortable, buy in more quickly, and not only accept the change but embrace, own, and DRIVE the change! This, after all, is what resilient teams do.

 And remember often as leaders, you may have already had time to process the change or challenge, whereas your team may just be hearing about it for the first time.  Give them the space and grace to feel what they need to feel first.  Meet them where they are.   

Try using Momentum-Boosting phrases like:

  • “I’m really having to adjust to this transition, too. And I’m excited to see where we’ll be after the dust settles.  There’s a lot of opportunity here!.”
  • “Is there anything I can help you with as we’re growing?”
  • “What specifically are you struggling with? I’m here to help.”

For other Momentum-Boosting tips on how to empower your team to be more resilient and adaptable during change, read my last blog on Building Resilient Teams: 5 Strategies for Unstoppable Success.  

 And finally, remember you can’t have growth without growing pains. And that, above all, they’re temporary. (If you don’t believe me, ask the teen going through puberty whose voice just leveled out).

Going into these changes with a curious mindset allows you to observe rather than attack. Chances are, others are feeling it, too. Take note of what’s working, and what isn’t, and it can be a way you can make your team ready for what’s now and what’s next with a big cup of Bring it On! 

Here’s to Bouncing Forward,  


All questions for the Ask Kim columns come from leader and audience surveys, emails, DM’s, and one-on-one conversations with leaders. With topics ranging from building resilient teams to leading change, Kim Becking is ready to help you become more adaptable, resilient, and ready to ignite Unstoppable Momentum!

Have a question for Kim? Send her an email here


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